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When the “Submit” button in the input panel is clicked, a green pop-up message appears, mentioning the Job ID. At the same time, the submitted job gets listed in the table of jobs below the pop-up message.

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MoleculeGEN Maimol Image

Upon scrolling to the right in the jobs table, two more columns, “Job Details” and “Delete/Cancel” can be seen.

- Upon clicking on the “Show” button under “Job Details”, the user inputs for the job are displayed.

- In the “Delete/Cancel” column, the “Delete” option (bin icon) is available for completed jobs, while the “Cancel” option (stop button) is available for jobs submitted or in progress.

- The refresh icon (curved arrow) can be used to view the updated status of jobs.

- For completed jobs, with a “SUCCESS” status, the “Explore Results with Ranker” option becomes available. The information available upon clicking this option is described under the “Visualize Results” section of the Ranker module documentation.